zebra shit

While I was in Namibia, I had one of those experiences which under normal circumstances would be passed as a mundane event.

It was the hottest moment of the day. We were cruising in a safari Jeep. Animals were not hard to spot because they all had taken refuge under the trees which were scattered around the landscape in small bunches. Oryxes and zebras used the shadows for their comfort and survival. In return they gave something back to the trees... Something quite vital... Their shit of course!

Trees were obviously happy with this trade. But, wait, this was not an actual trade. Zebras were giving away their shit for free! They were blissfully unaware of the nutritional benefits of their shit. Trees, on the other hand, could not choose to reserve their shadows for animals who would graciously leave their shit behind.

So how did this state of affairs emerge?

Here is one speculation: On a flat, dry and infertile land, animals that obstinately avoid shitting under the trees will not be able to survive the summertime there. Without the additional nutritions trees will not grow too much. In fact they may not grow at all. Subjected to high temperatures and deprived of cool shadows, animals will experience constant perspiration. They will dehydrate, and be forced migrate to wetter lands.