fuel optimization

1. Observation

One day I decided to drive to work in a different fashion. Instead of trying to minimize the amount of time spent on road, I made an effort to minimize the amount of fuel consumed. I did not take any short-cuts. I just followed the usual 100 km long route. I managed to bring down my fuel consumption from the usual 11 liters/km to 7.7 liters/km. This was not the surprising element of the trip though. What amazed me was how many others were also driving with the same goal in mind. It was quite wonderful to look at the rear mirror and see how synchronously all the drivers were taking their feet off the gas on hilltops. We have a tendency to believe that others are like us. We assume that they are maximizing the same parameters in order to reach the same goals. The only way to feel the presence of diversity is by stepping out of the routine and gearing into an exploratory mode.

2. Gozlem

Evlerine donerken benzin optimizasyonu yapanlara aciyorum. Futursuzca gaza basip, gereksiz frenler yapanlar icin mesai saati ofislerinden ciktiklari anda biter. Surekli optimizasyon yapan ya da yapma gerekliligini hisseden birey ise ozgur degildir. Bu tip kisiler ofislerini terketmis olmalarina ragmen islerine devam etmektedirler.