illusion of individuality

Every new emergent layer in evolution is built out of the previous one. In other words, living entities are like matryoshka dolls, made of layers and layers of living entities inside each other. (Yes, I believe that even atoms are in some sense alive. See the post Emergence of Life for more details.) This does not mean that a newly emerging layer preserves the layer below as is. On the contrary, it modifies the entities that it is generated out of in a significant way, just like technology is modifying us today by slowly automating all the recurring external human patterns away.

Here, the qualifiers recurring and external are important, because they also happen to define exactly the domain of science. What is unique (not recurring) or subjective (not external) can not be studied by science, and therefore can not be automated by technology.

As technology unfolds, it slowly exposes our true human core (i.e. what is unique and subjective), which is actually the only thing it will need for its steady-state survival at maturity. We should not fight against this trend. On the contrary, we should embrace and accelerate it by increasing our social flexibility. True, we may be losing jobs in droves, but in the long run technology makes all of us wealthier and healthier. (There is a lot of politics involved here of course, but you get what I mean. Just compare the current living standards to the livings standards a few hundred years ago.)

Remember, we are what animates technology and makes it adaptive. In other words, artificial general intelligence is already here. It is operating at a global scale through the multi-cloud layer and is composed of myriad of artificial (special) intelligences which are communicating through us. The dynamics is no different than your own mind being a society of smaller minds and your own genome being a society of smaller genomes.

The magic glue is always in the network. Smartness is always an emergent, social affair. In other words, there is no such thing as a general intelligence composed of a single node. Yes, we will have super intelligent robots in the future, but the prime source of their intelligence will always be the global multi-cloud layer. In other words, they will continuously tap into the entirety of our accumulated wisdom, which will keep evolving in the background.

Of course, the supreme complexity will be deftly hidden away, and it will look as if the entire intelligence resides within the individual robots themselves. The irony is that the robots too will believe in this illusion, just as we tend to mistakenly equate our minds with our consciousnesses. Remember, it took us thousands of years to even notice the bare existence of the unconscious. Even today we have no clue with regards to its structure, although deep down we all feel that it somehow links us together in a mysterious fashion.

“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.”
- William James

This obviously takes us beyond the reach of science and into the territory of metaphysics. But that should not stop us from asking some fun questions!

  • Robot unconscious taps into the electromagnetic field. What field does the human unconscious tap into? Is vacuum not what we think it is?

  • Information is encoded into the electromagnetic field by the collective human consciousness. Whose collective consciousness is encoding information into this other field? Are cells not what we think they are?

digital vs physical businesses

In the first part, I will analyze how digital businesses and physical businesses are complementary to each other via the following dualities:

  1. Risk of Death vs Potential for Growth

  2. Controlling Demand vs Controlling Supply

  3. Network Effects vs Scale Effects

  4. Mind vs Body

  5. Borrowing Space vs Borrowing Time

In the second part, I will analyze how the rise of digital businesses against physical businesses is triggering the following trends:

  1. Culture is Shifting from Space to Time

  2. Progress is Accelerating

  3. Science is Becoming More Data-Driven

  4. Economy is Getting Lighter

  5. Power is Shifting from West to East

Duality 1: Risk of Death vs Potential for Growth

Since information is frictionless, every digital startup has a potential for fast growth. But since the same fact holds for every other startup as well, there is also a potential for a sudden downfall. That is why defensibility (i.e. ability to survive after reaching success) is often mentioned as the number one criterion by the investors of such companies.

Physical businesses face the inverse reality: They are harder to grow but easier to defend, due to factors like high barriers to entry, limited real estate space, hard-to-set-up distribution networks etc. That is why competitive landscape is the most scrutinized issue by the investors of such companies.

Duality 2: Controlling Supply vs Controlling Demand

In the physical world, limited by scarcity, economic power comes from controlling supply; in the digital world, overwhelmed by abundance, economic power comes from controlling demand.
- Ben Thompson - Ends, Means and Antitrust

Although Ben’s point is quite clear, it is worth expanding it a little bit.

In the physical world, supply is much more limited than demand and therefore whoever controls the supply wins.

  • Demand. Physical consumption is about hoarding in space which is for all practical purposes infinite. Since money is digital in its nature, I can buy any object in any part of the world at the speed of light and that object will immediately become mine.

  • Supply. Extracting new materials and nurturing new talents take a lot of time. In other words, in the short run, supply of physical goods is severely limited.

In the digital world, demand is much more limited than supply and therefore whoever controls the demand wins:

  • Demand. Digital consumption is information based and therefore cognitive in nature. Since one can pay attention to only so many things at once, it is restricted mainly to the time dimension. For instance, for visual information, daily screen time is the limiting factor on how much can be consumed.

  • Supply. Since information travels at the speed of light, every bit in the world is only a touch away from you. Hence, in the short run, supply is literally unlimited.

Duality 3: Scale Effects vs Network Effects

Physical economy is dominated by geometric dynamics since distances matter. (Keyword here is space.) Digital economy on the other hand is information based and information travels at the speed of light, which is for all practical purposes infinite. Hence distances do not matter, only connectivities do. In other words, the dynamics is topological, not geometric. (Keyword here is network.)

Side Note: Our memories too work topologically. We remember the order of events (i.e. temporal connectivity) easily but have hard time situating them in absolute time. (Often we just remember the dates of significant events and then try to date everything else relative to them.) But while we are living, we focus on the continuous duration (i.e. the temporal distance), not the discrete events themselves. That is why the greater the number of things we are pre-occupied with and the less we can feel the duration, the more quickly time seems to pass. In memory though, the reverse happens: Since the focus is on events (everything else is cleared out!), the greater the number of events, the less quickly time seems to have passed.

This nicely ties back to the previous discussion about defensibility. Physical businesses are harder to grow because that is precisely how they protect themselves. They reside in space and scale effects help them make better use of time through efficiency gains. Digital businesses on the other hand reside in time and network effects help them make better use of space through connectivity gains. Building protection is what is hard and also what is valuable in each case.

Side Note: Just as economic value continuously trickles down to the space owners (i.e. land owners) in the physical economy, it trickles down to “time owners” in the digital economy (i.e. companies who control your attention through out the day).

Scale does not correlate with defensible value in the digital world, just as connectivity does not correlate with defensible value in the physical world. Investors are perennially confused about this since scale is so easy to see and our reptilian brains are so susceptible to be impressed by it.

Of course, at the end of the day, all digital businesses thrive on physical infrastructures and all physical businesses thrive on digital infrastructures. This leads to an interesting mixture.

  • As a structure grows, it suffers from internal complexities which arise from increased interdependencies between increased number of parts.

  • Similarly, greater connectivity requires greater internal scale. In fact, scalability is a huge challenge for fast-growing digital businesses.

Hence, physical businesses thrive on scale effects but suffer from negative internal network effects (which are basically software problems), and digital businesses thrive on network effects but suffer from negative internal scale effects (which are basically hardware problems). In other words, these two types of businesses are dependent on each other to be able to generate more value.

  • As physical businesses get better at leveraging software solutions to manage their complexity issues, they will break scalability records.

  • As digital businesses get better at leveraging hardware solutions to manage their scalability issues, they will break connectivity records.

Note that we have now ventured beyond the world of economics and entered the much more general world of evolutionary dynamics. Time has two directional arrows:

  • Complexity. Correlates closely with size. Increases over time, as in plants being more complex than cells.

  • Connectivity. Manifests itself as “entropy” at the lowest complexity level (i.e. physics). Increases over time, as evolutionary entities become more interlinked.

Evolution always pushes for greater scale and connectivity.

Side Note: "The larger the brain, the larger the fraction of resources devoted to communications compared to computation." says Sejnowski. Many scientists think that evolution has already reached an efficiency limit for the size of the biological brain. A great example of a digital entity (i.e. the computing mind) whose growing size is limited by the accompanying growing internal complexity which manifests itself in the form of internal communication problems.

Duality 4: Mind vs Body

All governments desire to increase the value of their economies but also feel threatened by the evolutionary inclination of the economic units to push for greater scale and connectivity. Western governments (e.g. US) tend to be more sensitive about size. They monitor and explicitly break up physical businesses that cross a certain size threshold. Eastern governments (e.g. China) on the other hand tend to be more sensitive about connectivity. They monitor and implicitly take over digital businesses that cross a certain connectivity threshold. (Think of the strict control of social media in China versus the supreme freedom of all digital networks in US.)

Generally speaking, the Western world falls on the right-hand side of the mind-body duality, while the Eastern world falls on the left-hand side.

  • As mentioned above, Western governments care more about the physical aspects of reality (like size) while Eastern governments care more about the mental aspects of reality (like connectivity).

  • Western sciences equate the mind with the brain, and thereby treats software as hardware. Eastern philosophies are infused with panpsychic ideas, ascribing consciousness (i.e. mind-like properties) to the entirety of universe, and thereby treats hardware as software.

We can think of the duality between digital and physical businesses as the social version of the mind-body duality. When you die, your body gets recycled back into the ecosystem. (This is no different than the machinery inside a bankrupt factory getting recycled back into the economy.) Your mind on the other hand simply disappears. What survive are the impressions you made on other minds. Similarly, when digital businesses die, they leave behind only memories in the form of broken links and cached pages, and therefore need “tombstones” to be remembered. Physical businesses on the other hand leave behind items which continue to circulate in the second-hand markets and buildings which change hands to serve new purposes.

Duality 5: Borrowing Space vs Borrowing Time

Banking too is moving from space to time dimension, and this is happening in a very subtle way. Yes, banks are becoming increasingly more digital, but this is not what I am talking about at all. Digitalized banks are more efficient at delivering the same exact services, continuing to serve the old banking needs of the physical economy. What I am talking about is the unique banking needs of the new digital economy. What do I mean by this?

Remember, physical businesses reside in space and scale effects help them make better use of time through efficiency gains. Digital businesses on the other hand reside in time and network effects help them make better use of space through connectivity gains. Hence, their borrowing needs are polar opposite: Physical businesses need to borrow time to accelerate their defensibility in space, while digital businesses need to borrow space to accelerate their defensibility in time. (What matters in the long run is only defensibility!)

But what does it mean to borrow time or space?

  • Lending time is exactly what regular banks do. They give you money and charge you an interest rate, which can be viewed as the cost of moving (discounting) the money you will be making in the future to now. In other words, banks are in the business of creating contractions in the time dimension, not unlike creating wormholes through time.

  • Definition of space for a digital company depends on the network it resides in. This could be a specific network of people, businesses etc. A digital company does not defend itself by scale effects, it defends itself by network effects. Hence its primary goal is to increase the connectivity of its network. In other words, a digital company needs creation of wormholes through space, not through time. Whatever facilitates further stitching of its network satisfies its “banking needs”.

Bankers of the digital economy are the existing deeply-penetrated networks like Alibaba, WeChat, LinkedIn, Facebook, Amazon etc. What masquerades as a marketing expense for a digital company to rent the connectivity of these platforms is actually in part a “banking” expense, not unlike the interest payments made to a regular bank.

Trend 1: Culture is Shifting from Space to Time

Culturally we are moving from geometry to topology, more often deploying topological rather than geometric language while narrating our lives. We meet our friends in online networks rather than physical spaces.

Correlation between the rise of the digital economy and the rise of the experience economy (and its associated cultural offshoots like hipster movement and decluttering movement) is not a coincidence. Experiential goods (not just those that are information-based) exhibit the same dynamics as digital goods. They are completely mental and reside in time dimension.

Our sense of privacy too is shifting from space dimension to time dimension. We are growing less sensitive about sharing objects and more sensitive about sharing experiences. We are participating in a myriad of sharing economies, but also becoming more ruthless about time optimization. (What is interpreted as a general decline in attention span is actually a protective measure erected by the digital natives, forcing everyone to cut their narratives short.) Increasingly we are spending less time with people although we look more social from outside since we share so many objects with each other.

Our sense of aesthetics has started to incorporate time rather than banish it. We leave surfaces unfinished and prefer using raw and natural-looking rather than polished and new-looking materials. Everyone has become wabi-sabi fans, preferring to buy stuff that time has taken (or seems to have taken) its toll on them.

Even physics is caught in the Zeitgeist. Latest theories are all claiming that time is fundamental and space is emergent. Popular opinion among the physicists used to be the opposite. Einstein had put the final nail on the coffin by completely spatializing time into what is called spacetime, an unchanging four-dimensional block universe. He famously had said “the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Trend 2: Progress is Accelerating

As economies and consumption patterns shift to time dimension, we feel more overwhelmed by the demands on our time, and life seems to progress at a faster rate.

Let us dig deeper into this seemingly trivial observation. First recall the following two facts:

  1. In a previous blog post, I had talked about the effect of aging on perception of time. As you accumulate more experience and your library of cognitive models grows, you become more adept at chunking experience and shifting into an automatic mode. What was used to be processed consciously now starts getting processed unconsciously. (This is no different than stable software patterns eventually trickling down and hardening to become hardware patterns.)

  2. In a previous blog post, I had talked about how the goal of education is to learn how not to think, not how to think. In other words, “chunking” is the essence of learning.

Combining these two facts we deduce the following:

  • Learning accelerates perception of time.

This observation in turn is intimately related to the following fact:

What exactly is this relation?

Remember, at micro-level, both learning and progress suffer from the diminishing returns of S-curves. However, at the macro-level, both overcome these limits via sheer creativity and manage to stack S-curves on top of each other to form a (composite) exponential curve that literally shoots to infinity.

This structural similarity is not a coincidence: Progress is simply the social version of learning. However, progress happens out in the open, while learning takes place internally within each of our minds and therefore can not be seen. That is why we can not see learning in time, but nevertheless can feel its acceleration by reflecting it off time.

Side Note: For those of you who know about Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, what we found here is that “learning” belongs to the upper-left quadrant while “progress” belongs to the lower-right quadrant. The infinitary limiting point is often called Nirvana in personal learning and Singularity in social progress.

Recall how we framed the duality between digital and physical businesses as the social version of the mind-body duality. True, from the individual’s perspective, progress seems to happen out in the open. However, from the perspective of the mind of the society (represented by the aggregation of all things digital), progress “feels” like learning.

Hence, going back to the beginning of this discussion, your perception of time accelerates for two dual reasons:

  1. Your data processing efficiency increases as you learn more.

  2. Data you need to process increases as society learns more.

Time is about change. Perception of time is about processed change, and how much change your mind can process is a function of both your data processing efficiency (which defines your bandwidth) and the speed of data flow. (You can visualize bandwidth as the diameter of a pipe.) As society learns more (i.e. progresses further), you become bombarded with more change. Thankfully, as you learn more, you also become more capable of keeping up with change.

There is an important caveat here though.

  1. Your mind loses its plasticity over time.

  2. The type of change you need to process changes over time.

The combination of these two facts is very problematic. Data processing efficiency is sustained by the cognitive models you develop through experience, based on past data sets. Hence, their continued efficiency is guaranteed only if the future is similar to the past, which of course is increasingly not the case.

As mentioned previously, the exponential character of progress stems from the stacking of S-curves on top of each other. Each new S-curve represents a discontinuous creative jump, a paradigm shift that requires a significant revision of existing cognitive models. As progress becomes faster and life expectancy increases, individuals encounter a greater number of such challenges within their lifetimes. This means that they are increasingly at risk of being left behind due to the plasticity of their minds decreasing over time.

This is exactly why the elderly enjoy nostalgia and wrap themselves inside time capsules like retirement villages. Their desire to stop time creates a demographic tension that will become increasingly more palpable in the future, as the elderly become increasingly more irrelevant while still clinging onto their positions of power and keeping the young at bay.

Trend 3: Science is Becoming More Data-Driven

Rise of the digital economy can be thought of as the maturation of the social mind. The society as a whole is aging, not just us. You can tell this also from how science is shifting from being hypothesis-driven to being data-driven, thanks to digital technologies. (Take a look at the blog post I have written on this subject.) Social mind is moving from conscious thinking to unconscious thinking, becoming more intuitive and getting wiser in the process.

Trend 4: Economy is Getting Lighter

As software is taking over the world, information is being infused into everything and our use of matter is getting smarter.

Automobiles weigh less than they once did and yet perform better. Industrial materials have been replaced by nearly weightless high-tech know-how in the form of plastics and composite fiber materials. Stationary objects are gaining information and losing mass, too. Because of improved materials, high-tech construction methods, and smarter office equipment, new buildings today weigh less than comparable ones from the 1950s. So it isn’t only your radio that is shrinking, the entire economy is losing weight too.

Kevin Kelly - New Rules for the New Economy (Pages 73-74)

Energy use in US has stayed flat despite enormous growth. We now make less use of atoms, and the share of tangibles in total equity value is continuously decreasing. As R. Buckminster Fuller said, our economies are being ephemeralized thanks to the technological advances which are allowing us to do "more and more with less and less until eventually [we] can do everything with nothing."

This trend will probably, in a rather unexpected way, ease the global warming problem. (Remember, it is the sheer mass of what is being excavated and moved around, that is responsible for the generation of greenhouse gases.)

Trend 5: Power is Shifting from West to East

Now I will venture far further and bring religion into the picture. There are some amazing historical dynamics at work that can be recognized only by elevating ourselves and looking at the big picture.

First, let us take a look at the Western world.

  • Becoming. West chose a pragmatic, action-oriented attitude towards Becoming and did not directly philosophize about it.

  • Being. Western religions are built on the notion of Being. Time is deemed to be an illusion and God is thought of as a static all-encompassing Being, not too different from the entirety of Mathematics. There is believed to be an order behind the messy unfolding of Becoming, an order that is waiting to be discovered by us. It is with this deep conviction that Newton managed to discover the first mathematical formalism to predict natural phenomena. There is nothing in the history of science that is comparable to this achievement. Only a religious zeal could have generated the sort of tenacity that is needed to tackle a challenge of this magnitude.

This combination of applying intuition to Becoming and reason to Being eventually led to a meteoric rise in technology and economy.

Side Note: Although an Abrahamic religion itself, Islam did not fuel a similar meteoric rise, because it was practiced more dogmatically. Christianity on the other hand self-reformed itself into a myriad of sub-religions. Although not too great, there was enough intellectual freedom to allow people to seek unchanging patterns in reality, signs of Being within Becoming. Islam on the other hand persecuted any such aspirations. Even allegorical paintings about Being was not allowed.

East did the opposite and applied reason to Becoming and intuition to Being.

  • Becoming. East based its religion in Becoming and this instilled a fundamental suspicion against any attempts to mathematically model the unfolding reality or seek absolute knowledge. Of course, reasoning about Becoming without an implicit belief in unchanging absolutes is not an easy task. In fact, it is so hard that one has no choice but to be imprecise and poetic, and of course that is exactly what Eastern religions did. (Think of Taoism.)

  • Being. How about applying intuition to Being? How can you go about experiencing Being directly, through the “heart” so to speak? Well, through non-verbal silent meditation of course! That is exactly what Eastern religions did. (Think of Buddhism.)

Why could not East reason directly about Becoming in a formal fashion, like West reasoned directly about Being using mathematics? Remember Galileo saying "Mathematics is the language in which God has written the universe." What would have been the corresponding statement for the East? In other words, what is the formal language of Becoming? It is computer science of course, which was born out of Mathematics in the West around 1930s.

Now you understand why West was so lucky. Even if East had managed to discover computer science first, it would have been useless in understanding Becoming, because without the actual hardware to run simulations, you can not create computational models. A model needs to be run on something. It is not like a math theory in a book, waiting for you to play with it. Historically speaking, mathematics had to come first, because it is the cheaper, more basic technology. All you need is literally a pen, a paper and a trash bin.

Side Note: Here is a nerdy joke for you… The dean asks the head of the physics department to see him. “Why are you using so many resources? All those labs and experiments and whatnot; this is getting expensive! Why can’t you be more like mathematicians – they only need pens, paper, and a trash bin. Or philosophers – they only need pens and paper!”

But now is different. We have tremendous amounts of cheap computation and storage at our disposal, allowing us to finally crack the language of Becoming. Our entire economy is shifting from physical to digital, and our entire culture is shifting from space to time. An extraordinary period indeed!

It was never a coincidence that Chinese mathematicians chose to work in (and subsequently dominated) statistics, the most practical fields within mathematics. (They are culturally oriented toward Becoming.) Now all these statisticians are turning into artificial intelligence experts while West is still being paranoid about the oncoming Singularity, the exponential rise of AI.

Why have the Japanese always loved robots while the West has always been afraid of them? Why is the adoption of digital technologies happening faster in the East? Why are the kids and their parents in the East less worried about being locked into digital screens? As we elaborated above, the answer is metaphysical. Differences in metaphysical frameworks (often inherited from religions) are akin to the hard-to-notice (but exceptionally consequential) differences in the low-level code sitting right above the hardware.

Now guess who will dominate the new digital era? Think of the big picture. Do not extrapolate from recent past, think of the vast historical patterns.

I believe that people are made equal everywhere and in the long-run whoever is more zealous wins. East is more zealous about Becoming than the West, and therefore will sooner or later dominate the digital era. Our kids will learn their languages and find their religious practices more attractive. (Meditation is already spreading like wildfire.) What is “cool” will change and all these things will happen effortlessly in a mindless fashion, due to the fundamental shift in Zeitgeist and the strong structural forces of economics.

Side Note: Remember, in Duality 4, we had said that the East has an intrinsic tendency to regulate digital businesses rather than physical businesses. And here we just claimed that the East has an intrinsic passion for building digital businesses rather than physical businesses. Combining these two observations, we can predict that the East will unleash both greater energy and greater restrain in the digital domain. This actually makes a lot of sense, and is in line with the famous marketing slogan of the tyre manufacturing company Pirelli: “Power is Nothing Without Control”

Will the pendulum eventually swing back? Will the cover pages again feature physical businesses as they used to do a decade ago? The answer is no. Virtualization is one of the main trends in evolution. Units of evolution are getting smarter and becoming increasingly more governed by information dynamics rather than energy dynamics. (Information is substrate independent. Hence the term “virtualization”.) Nothing can stop this trend, barring some temporary setbacks here and there.

It seems like West has only two choices in the long run:

  1. It can go through a major religious overhaul and adopt a Becoming-oriented interpretation of Christianity, like that of Teilhard de Chardin.

  2. It can continue as is, and be remembered as the civilization that dominated the short intermediary period which begun with the birth of mathematical modeling and ended with the birth of computational modeling. (Equivalently, one could say that West dominated the industrial revolution and East will dominate the digital revolution.)

If you liked this post, you will probably enjoy the older post Innovative vs Classical Businesses as well. (Note that digital does not mean innovative and physical does not mean classical. You can have a classical digital or an innovative physical business.)

satori as a phase transition

I am a big fan of Absolute Idealism which basically posits that the mind mirrors the reality and the logic of the world is the same as the logic of the mind. (See Hegel.) The world is comprehensible because it too is a mind, and all minds are complex adaptive systems.

The hardest thing to understand is why we can understand anything at all.
- Albert Einstein

There are levels in understanding for the same reason why there are levels in any complex dynamics. Thoughts constitute a world onto themselves and transformative learning experiences create cascading effects that eventually reach to the core of what holds your belief system together. These irreversible experiences (which arise at the moments when you are transitioning to higher levels) are like big earthquakes. They are rare but easy to recognize. (When such earthquakes take place in the collective mind, we call them paradigm shifts.) In Buddhism, Satori is characterized as one such extreme peak experience.

Satori is the sudden flashing into consciousness of a new truth hitherto undreamed of. It is a sort of mental catastrophe taking place all at one, after much piling up of matters intellectual and demonstrative. The piling has reached a limit of stability and the whole edifice has come tumbling to the group, when, behold, a new heaven is open to full survey...

When a man's mind is matured for satori it tumbles over one everywhere. An articulate sound, an unintelligent remark, a blooming flower, or a trivial incident such as stumbling, is the condition or occasion that will open his mind to satori. Apparently, an insignificant event produces an effect which in importance is altogether out of proportion. The light touch of an igniting wire, and an explosion follows which will shake the very foundation of the earth. All the causes, all the conditions of satori are in the mind; they are merely waiting for the maturing. When the mind is ready for some reasons or others, a bird flies, or a bell rings, and you at once return to your original home; that is, you discover your now real self. From the very beginning nothing has been kept from you, all that you wished to see has been there all the time before you, it was only yourself that closed the eye to the fact. Therefore, there is in Zen nothing to explain, nothing to teach, that will add to your knowledge. Unless it grows out of yourself no knowledge is really yours, it is only a borrowed plumage.

D. T. Suzuki - An Introduction to Zen Buddhism (Pages 65)

The contrast between the cultivational mindset of the East and the transactional mindset of the West becomes very stark here. Satori is not a piece of information and enlightenment is not transferrable. This arises immediate jealousy and subsequent skepticism in most unenlightened Western minds. “What do you do different now?” they ask, as if it is possible to instantly reverse-engineer a self-organized criticality that took years of strenuous effort to build.

Transfer of wisdom requires preparedness. Transfer of information does not. (This is why education is so resistant to technological improvements.) Generally speaking, wiser the message, lower the probability of a successful transmission. You can not expect a student to make several jumps at once. True learning always happens one level at a time. Otherwise, internalization can not take place and what is “learned” starts to look more like a “borrowed plumage”.

Wisest thinkers are read the most but retained the least, because we all like taking short-cuts unless someone actively prevents us from doing so.

A good mentor both widens your horizon and restricts your reach. Today’s obsession with individual freedom is preventing parents from seeing the value of restriction in education. They want teachers to only widen horizons, but forget that unbalanced guidance can actually be worse than leaving the students alone and completely self-guided. In a completely free learning environment something magical starts happen: The right path to wisdom starts to self-assemble itself. What a good teacher does is to catalyze this natural self-assembly process. Wrong guidance, on the other hand, is too accelerative (or artificial) and result in the introduction of subjects (and authors) too early for successful retainment. It creates illusions of learning, and even worse turns students permanently away from certain subjects (and authors) because of misunderstandings or feelings of inadequacy.

Do you remember yourself absolutely falling in love with certain books and then falling out of love with them later on? This is a completely natural process. It actually means you are on the right path and making progress. In a sense, every non-fiction book is meant to be superseded, like small phase transitions. (Good fiction on the other hand can stay relevant for a long time.) This however does not mean that you should be less thankful to the authors of those books that you no longer enjoy. They were the necessary intermediary steps, and without them you would not be where you are here today. Of course, the journey looks nonlinear, funny and misguided in retrospect, but that is exactly how all natural journeys look like. Just observe how evolution reached to its current stage, how completely alien and unintuitive the microcosmos is!

And don’t forget, the future (in the world of both thoughts and things) always remains open and full of surprises. Learning is a never-ending process for us mortals. Enjoy it while it lasts.

pain and learning

FAAH is a protein that breaks down anandamide, also known as the “bliss molecule,” which is a neurotransmitter that binds to cannabinoid receptors. These are some of the same receptors that are activated by marijuana. With less FAAH activity, this patient was found to have more circulating levels of anandamide, which may explain her resistance to feeling pain.

... Dr. James Cox, another author and senior lecturer at the Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research at University College London, said, “Pain is an essential warning system to protect you from damaging and life-threatening events.” Another disadvantage to endocannabinoids and their receptor targets is that poor memory and learning may be unwanted byproducts. Researchers said the Scottish woman reported memory lapses, which mirrors what is seen in mice missing the FAAH gene.

Jacquelyn Corley - The Case of a Woman Who Feels Almost No Pain Leads Scientists to a New Gene Mutation

Pain is needed to register what is learned. As they say, no pain no gain.

You can easily tell that you are not learning much if everything is flowing too smoothly. You take notice only upon encountering the unexpected and the unexpected is painful.

I advise mature students to stay away from well-written textbooks. They are like driving on a wide and empty highway. Typos keep you alert, logical gaps sharpen your mind and bad arguments force you to generate new ideas. You should generally make the reading process as hard for yourself as possible.

Educational progress can be achieved by making either the content or the environment more challenging. If you can perform well under constraints, you will perform even better when the environment normalizes.

Engagement enhances learning not because it increases focus but because it increases grit. Struggle is necessary. If the teaching is not engaging, student will more easily give up on the struggle. The goal is not to eliminate the struggle.

The more confident a learner is of their wrong answer, the better the information sticks when they subsequently learn the right answer. Tolerating big mistakes can create the best learning opportunities.

David Epstein - Range (Page 86)

So the harder you fall the better. The more wrong you turn out to be, the more unforgettable will the experience be. As they say, never waste a good crisis.

People usually go into defensive mode when their internal reality clashes with the external reality. That is basically why persuasion is such a hard art form to master. The radicalized easily become even more radicalized when you try to lay a convincing path to moderation.

Of course, there are times when you need to close up, refuse to learn and stick with your beliefs. World is complex, situations are multi-faceted, refutations are never really that clear. In some sense, every principle looks stupid in certain contexts. The principled man knows this and nevertheless takes the risk, because he thinks that looking stupid sometimes is better than looking like an amorphous mass of jelly all the time. Someone who is constantly learning and therefore constantly in revision mode runs the danger of becoming jelly-like. Sometimes one may need to prefer the pain of resisting to the pain of learning.

The essence of the neuromatrix theory of pain is that chronic pain is more a perception than a raw sensation, because the brain takes many factors into account to determine the extent of danger to the tissues. Scores of studies have shown that along with assessing damage, the brain, when developing our subjective experience of pain perception, also assesses whether action can be taken to diminish the pain, and it develops expectations as to whether this damage will improve or get worse. The sum total of these assessments determines our expectation as to our future, and these expectations play a major role in the level of pain we will feel. Because the brain can so influence our perception of chronic pain, Melzack conceptualized it as more of "an output of the central nervous system.”

Norman Doidge - The Brain’s Way of Healing (Page 10)

Pain is not an objective factor. As with everything else, it is gauged in an anticipatory manner by the mind. If you implicitly or explicitly believe that the associated costs will be greater, your pain will be greater.

Since pain is necessary for learning, this means that learning too is done in an anticipative manner. That is why proper coaching is so essential. The student needs to have some idea about what he desires for the future so that his cost function becomes more well-defined.

When one has no expectation from the future, one is essentially dead and floating, and has reverted back to basic-level survival mode. You need to make yourself susceptible to higher forms of pain. Some of the greatest minds I have met had mastered the art of getting mad and pissed-off. They were extremely passionate about some subject and had cultivated an exceptional level of emotional sensitivity in that area.

weaknesses and biases

All weaknesses arise from certain extremities and all successes are traceable to certain extremities. So defend your extremities, and in order to not suffer from the accompanying weaknesses, choose the environments you walk into carefully. All weaknesses manifest themselves contextually. Learn how to manage the context, not the weakness.

Similarly, your biases are your strengths. Defend them fiercely. They are what differentiates you from others. Thinking is methodological. Creativity is overrated. (Both can be learned.) What matters is the input and input is shaped by biases.

genius vs wisdom

Genius maxes out upon birth and gradually diminishes. Wisdom displays the opposite dynamics. It is nonexistent at birth and gradually builds up until death. That is why genius is often seen as a potentiality and wisdom as an actuality. (Youth have potentiality, not the old.)

Midlife crises tend to occur around the time when wisdom surpasses genius. That is why earlier maturation correlates with earlier “mid” life crisis. (On the other hand, greater innate genius does not result in a delayed crisis since it entails faster accumulation of wisdom.)

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
- Pablo Picasso

Here Picasso is actually asking you to maintain your genius at the expense of gaining less wisdom. That is why creative folks tend to be quite unwise folks (and require the assistance of experienced talent managers to succeed in the real world). They methodologically wrap themselves inside protective environments that allow them to pause or postpone their maturation.

Generally speaking, the greater control you have over your environment, the less wisdom you need to survive. That is why wisest people originate from low survival-rate tough conditions, and rich families have hard time raising unspoiled kids without simulating artificial scarcities. (Poor folks have the opposite problem and therefore simulate artificial abundances by displaying more love, empathy etc.)

"Young man knows the rules and the old man knows the exceptions."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Genius is hypothesis-driven and wisdom is data-driven. That is why mature people tend to prefer experimental (and historical) disciplines, young people tend to dominate theoretical (and ahistorical) disciplines etc.

The old man can be rigid but he can also display tremendous cognitive fluidity because he can transcend the rules, improvise and dance around the set of exceptions. In fact, he no longer thinks of the exceptions as "exceptions" since an exception can only be defined with respect to a certain collection of rules. He directly intuits them as unique data points and thus is not subject to the false positives generated by operational definitions. (The young man on the other hand has not explored the full territory of possibilities yet and thus needs a practical guide no matter how crude.)

Notice that the old man can not transfer his knowledge of exceptions to the young man because that knowledge is in the form of an ineffable complex neural network that has been trained on tons of data. (Apprentice-master relationships are based on mimetic learning.) Rules on the other hand are much more transferable since they are of linguistic nature. (They are not only transferable but also a lot more compact in size, compared to the set of exceptions.) Of course, the fact that rules are transferable does not mean that the transfers actually occur! (Trivial things are deemed unworthy by the old man and important things get ignored by the young man. It is only the stuff in the middle that gets successfully transferred.)

Why is it much harder for old people to change their minds? Because wisdom is data-driven, and in a data-driven world, bugs (and biases) are buried inside large data sets and therefore much harder to find and fix. (In a hypothesis driven world, all you need to do is to go through the much shorter list of rules, hypotheses etc.)

The Hypothesis-Data duality highlighted in the previous section can be recast as young people being driven more by rational thinking vs. old people being driven more by intuitional thinking. (In an older blog post, we had discussed how education should focus on cultivating intuition, which leads to a superior form of thinking.)

We all start out life with a purely intuitive mindset. As we learn we come up with certain heuristics and rules, resulting in an adulthood that is dominated by rationality. Once we accumulate enough experience (i.e. data), we get rid of these rules and revert back to an intuitive mindset, although at a higher level than before. (That is why the old get along very well with kids.)

Artistic types (e.g. Picasso) tend to associate genius with the tabula-rasa intuitive fluidity of the newborn. Scientific types tend to associate it with the rationalistic peak of adulthood. (That is why they start to display insecurities after they themselves pass through this peak.)

As mentioned in the previous section, rules are easily transferable across individuals. Results of intuitive thinking on the other hand are non-transferable. From a societal point of view, this is a serious operational problem and the way it is overcome is through a mechanism called “trust”. Since intuition is a black box (like all machine learning models are), the only way you can transfer it is through a wholesome imitation of the observed input-outputs. (i.e. mimetic learning) In other words, you can not understand black box models, you can only have faith in them.

As we age and become more intuition-driven, our trust in trust increases. (Of course, children are dangerously trustworthy to begin with.) Adulthood on the other hand is dominated by rational thinking and therefore corresponds to the period when we are most distrustful of each other. (No wonder why economists are such distrustful folks. They always model humans as ultra-rationalistic machines.)

Today we vastly overvalue the individual over the society, and the rational over the intuitional. (Just look at how we structure school curriculums.) We decentralized society and trivialized the social fabric by centralizing trust. (Read the older blogpost Blockchain and Decentralization) We no longer trust each other because we simply do not have to. Instead we trust the institutions that we collectively created. Our analytical frameworks have reached an individualist zenith in Physics which is currently incapable of guaranteeing the reality of other peoples’ points of view. (Read the older blogpost Reality and Analytical Inquiry) We banished faith completely from public discourse and have even demanded God to be verifiable.

In short, we seem to be heading to the peak adulthood phase of humanity, facing a massive mid-life crisis. Our collective genius has become too great for our own good.

In this context, the current rise of data-driven technological paradigms is not surprising. Humanity is entering a new intuitive post-midlife-crisis phase. Our collective wisdom is now being encoded in the form of disembodied black-box machine-learning models which will keep getting more and more sophisticated over time. (At some point, we may dispense with our analytical models altogether.) Social fabric on the other hand will keep being stretched as more types of universally-trusted centralized nodes emerge and enable new forms of indirect intuition transfer.

Marx was too early. He viewed socialism in a human way as a rationalistic inevitability, but it will probably arrive in an inhuman fashion via intuitionistic technologies. (Calling such a system still as socialism will be vastly ironic since it will be resting on complete absence of trust among individuals.) Of course, not every decision making will be centralized. Remember that the human mind itself emerged for addressing non-local problems. (There is still a lot of local decision making going on within our cells etc.) The “hive” mind will be no different, and as usual, deciding whether a problem in the gray zone is local or non-local will be determined through a tug-of-war.

The central problem of ruler-ship, as Scott sees it, is what he calls legibility. To extract resources from a population the state must be able to understand that population. The state needs to make the people and things it rules legible to agents of the government. Legibility means uniformity. States dream up uniform weights and measures, impress national languages and ID numbers on their people, and divvy the country up into land plots and administrative districts, all to make the realm legible to the powers that be. The problem is that not all important things can be made legible. Much of what makes a society successful is knowledge of the tacit sort: rarely articulated, messy, and from the outside looking in, purposeless. These are the first things lost in the quest for legibility. Traditions, small cultural differences, odd and distinctive lifeways … are all swept aside by a rationalizing state that preserves (or in many cases, imposes) only what it can be understood and manipulated from the 2,000 foot view. The result, as Scott chronicles with example after example, are many of the greatest catastrophes of human history.

Tanner Greer - Tradition is Smarter Than You

necessity of dualities

All truths lie between two opposite positions. All dramas unfold between two opposing forces. Dualities are both ubiquitous and fundamental. They shape both our mental and physical worlds.

Here are some examples:


objective | subjective
rational | emotional
conscious | unconscious
reductive | inductive
absolute | relative
positive | negative
good | evil
beautiful | ugly
masculine | feminine


deterministic | indeterministic
continuous | discrete
actual | potential
necessary | contingent
inside | outside
infinite | finite
global | local
stable | unstable
reversible | irreversible

Notice that even the above split between the two groups itself is an example of duality.

These dualities arise as an epistemological byproduct of the method of analytical inquiry. That is why they are so thoroughly infused into the languages we use to describe the world around us.

Each relatum constitutive of dipolar conceptual pairs is always contextualized by both the other relatum and the relation as a whole, such that neither the relata (the parts) nor the relation (the whole) can be adequately or meaningfully defined apart from their mutual reference. It is impossible, therefore, to conceptualize one principle in a dipolar pair in abstraction from its counterpart principle. Neither principle can be conceived as "more fundamental than," or "wholly derivative of" the other.

Mutually implicative fundamental principles always find their exemplification in both the conceptual and physical features of experience. One cannot, for example, define either positive or negative numbers apart from their mutual implication; nor can one characterize either pole of a magnet without necessary reference to both its counterpart and the two poles in relation - i.e. the magnet itself. Without this double reference, neither the definiendum nor the definiens relative to the definition of either pole can adequately signify its meaning; neither pole can be understood in complete abstraction from the other.

- Epperson & Zafiris - Foundations of Relational Realism (Page 4)

Various lines of Eastern religious and philosophical thinkers intuited how languages can hide underlying unity by artificially superimposing conceptual dualities (the primary of which is the almighty object-subject duality) and posited the nondual wholesomeness of nature several thousand years before the advent of quantum mechanics. (The analytical route to enlightenment is always longer than the intuitive route.)

Western philosophy on the other hand

  • ignored the mutually implicative nature of all dualities and denied the inaccessibility of wholesomeness of nature to analytical inquiry.

  • got fooled by the precision of mathematics which is after all just another language invented by human beings.

  • confused partial control with understanding and engineering success with ontological precision. (Understanding is a binary parameter, meaning that either you understand something or you do not. Control on the other hand is a continuous parameter, meaning that you can have partial control over something.)

As a result Western philosophers mistook representation as reality and tried to confine truth to one end of each dualism in order to create a unity of representation matching the unity of reality.

Side Note: Hegel was an exception. Like Buddha, he too saw dualities as artificial byproducts of analysis, but unlike him, he suggested that one should transcend them via synthesis. In other words, for Buddha unity resided below and for Hegel unity resided above. (Buddha wanted to peel away complexity to its simplest core, while Hegel wanted to embrace complexity in its entirety.) While Buddha stopped theorizing and started meditating instead, Hegel saw the salvation through higher levels of abstraction via alternating chains of analyses and syntheses. (Buddha wanted to turn off cognition altogether, while Hegel wanted to turn up cognition full-blast.) Perhaps at the end of the day they were both preaching the same thing. After all, at the highest level of abstraction, thinking probably halts and emptiness reigns.

It was first the social thinkers who woke up and revolted against the grand narratives built on such discriminative pursuits of unity. There was just way too much politically and ethically at stake for them. The result was an overreaction, replacing unity with multiplicity and considering all points of views as valid. In other words, the pendulum swung the other way and Western philosophy jumped from one state of deep confusion into another. In fact, this time around the situation was even worse since there was an accompanying deep sense of insecurity as well.

The cacophony spread into hard sciences like physics too. Grand narrations got abandoned in favor of instrumental pragmatism. Generations of new physicists got raised as technicians who basically had no clue about the foundations of their disciplines. The most prominent of them could even publicly make an incredibly naive claim such as “something can spontaneously arise from nothing through a quantum fluctuation” and position it as a non-philosophical and non-religious alternative to existing creation myths.

Just to be clear, I am not trying to argue here in favor of Eastern holistic philosophies over Western analytic philosophies. I am just saying that the analytic approach necessitates us to embrace dualities as two-sided entities, including the duality between holistic and analytic approaches.

Politics experienced a similar swing from conservatism (which hailed unity) towards liberalism (which hailed multiplicity). During this transition, all dualities and boundaries got dissolved in the name of more inclusion and equality. The everlasting dynamism (and the subsequent wisdom) of dipolar conceptual pairs (think of magnetic poles) got killed off in favor of an unsustainable burst in the number of ontologies.

Ironically, liberalism resulted in more sameness in the long run. For instance, the traditional assignment of roles and division of tasks between father and mother got replaced by equal parenting principles applied by genderless parents. Of course, upon the dissolution of the gender dipolarity, the number of parents one can have became flexible as well. Having one parent became as natural as having two, three or four. In other words, parenting became a community affair in its truest sense.


The even greater irony was that liberalism itself forgot that it represented one extreme end of another duality. It was in a sense a self-defeating doctrine that aimed to destroy all discriminative pursuits of unity except for that of itself. (The only way to “resolve” this paradox is to introduce a conceptual hierarchy among dualities where the higher ones can be used to destroy the lower ones, in a fashion that is similar to how mathematicians deal with Russell’s paradox in set theory.)

Of course, at some point the pendulum will swing back to pursuit of unity again. But while we swing back and forth between unity and multiplicity, we keep skipping the only sources of representational truths, namely the dualities themselves. For some reason we are extremely uncomfortable with the fact that the world can only be represented via mutually implicative principles. We find “one” and “infinity” tolerable but “two” arbitrary and therefore abhorring. (Prevalence of “two” in mathematics and “three” in physics was mentioned in a previous blog post.)

I am personally obsessed with “two”. I look out for dualities everywhere and share the interesting finds here on my blog. In fact, I go even further and try to build my entire life on dualities whose two ends mutually enhance each other every time I visit them.

We should not collapse dualities into unities for the sake of satisfying our sense of belonging. We need to counteract this dangerous sociological tendency using our common sense at the individual level. Choosing one side and joining the groupthink is the easy way out. We should instead strive to carve out our identities by consciously sampling from both sides. In other words, when it comes to complex matters, we should embrace the dualities as a whole and not let them split us apart. (Remember, if something works very well, its dual should also work very well. However, if something is true, its dual has to be wrong. This is exactly what separates theory from reality.)

Of course, it is easy to talk about these matters, but who said that pursuit of truth would be easy?

Perhaps there is no pursuit to speak of unless one is pre-committed to choose a side, and swinging back and forth between the two ends of a dualism is the only way nature can maintain its neutrality without sacrificing its dynamicity? (After all, there is no current without a polarity in the first place.)

Perhaps we should just model our logic after reality (like Hegel wanted to) and rather than expect reality to conform to our logic? (In this way we can have our cake and eat it too!)

formalism, consciousness and understanding

In a formal (deductive) subject, the level of competency correlates with the depth of non-formalism one can display around the subject. (For instance, the mastery of a mathematician can only be gauged when he stops scribbling down mathematical notation, dives into conceptual vagueness and starts using real words.) In a non-formal (intuitive) subject, the level of competency correlates with the depth of formalism one can display around the subject.

Similarly, one can only understand the unconscious things using the consciousness and the conscious things using the unconsciousness. Due to the architecture of our brains we typically find the latter much easier to do. Our education system does not balance the scale neither. (Practicing lucid dreaming, meditation and improvisation can help.) We generally do not know how to open up and let our non-verbal intuitive brain reign, and do not care about the unconscious until it breaks down.

normalization for positioning, coping and filtering

Normalization is a statistical term used for adjusting your position with respect to the relevant population norm which can change across time or space. (For instance, curved grading used in academia employs this technique.)

Here I will use normalization as a unifying theme to make sense of some social, psychological and cognitive phenomena.

Spatial Normalization as a Social Positioning Mechanism

We generally think in relative terms when we compare ourselves to others. All status based social dynamics take place in this way. We are happy when we are richer than the person next door. It does not matter if we all get richer. Of course, this leads to absurd situations where people are constantly unhappy although everything is improving.

What is mathematically happening here is that we keep updating the norm (average) against which we make all comparisons. In social domains, this process takes place across space, not time. (i.e. You do not see people comparing themselves to historical norms. We all live more comfortable lives than the kings of the past, but no one gives a shit.)

Spatial normalization in sociology exhibits two interesting properties:

  • Two Dimensionality. People are curious about others’ lives for both vertical and horizontal reasons. They look (up and down) at the other castes and (around) at other individuals in their own caste. Precise social positioning requires both.

  • Locality. In both dimensions, practically unreachable positions get disregarded. (That is why greater social mobility actually brings unhappiness. Knowing that everything is possible but you are stuck with your current position hurts more.) In other words, social status is determined locally. This makes it actually easier for the poor to climb up in status. After all, due to the severely nonlinear nature of the wealth distribution, it is easier to reach the top of the bottom ten percent than to reach the top of the top ten percent. (That is why the rich is a miserable bunch.)

Temporal Normalization as a Psychological Coping Mechanism

Normalization occurs across time as well, in the form of adaptivity. After all, in order to survive, we have no choice but to adapt to new norms. It is pointless not to adapt to a change that you can not change. (This is usually given as an advice for achieving inner peace. Most of our frustrations come from our inability to discern what can not be changed and should therefore be adapted to.)

Due to one dimensionality of time, we do not have the first bullet point mentioned above for the temporal version of normalization. However, locality holds and is even more pronounced.

Example of Locality

[Cult leaders] deliberately induce distress - so that when they relieve it, they will also be the source of your pleasure. This leads to a powerful and, to outside observers, puzzling connection between cult leader and cult member. The same thing can be seen in abusive relationships and in ”Stockholm syndrome,” where crime victims fall in love with or become supportive of their captors.

Born for Love - Bruce D. Perry & Maia Szalavitz (Page 237)

Temporal locality of adaptation is actually what gets us stuck in abusive relations. We slowly get used to the bad treatment and normalize it. We forget that the world used to be much better before the relationship began. We become quite happy just because we are treated less badly.

Temporal Normalization as a Cognitive Filtering Mechanism

We focus on deviations from the norm while the norm itself gets pushed down to and tracked at an unconscious level. The effects of this focus become particularly stark when deviations become very small and we are essentially left with only the norm itself. Such constancy gets completely filtered away from our consciousness. (For interesting examples of this phenomena, check out this older blog post.)

Remember from our previous discussion that we do not compare ourselves to people who are too far away from us in social distance. (Thanks to the marketing people this is actually becoming increasingly more difficult.) Similarly, when we are cognitively keeping track of deviations, we do not go too far back in time. Our brains calculate the norm in a temporally local fashion, using only recent samplings. In other words, slow change is disregarded even if its accumulative effect may be quite large over time. (Think of the fable of the frog being slowly boiled alive.)

Example of Locality

We must forgive our memory for yet another reason. It finds it easier to determine what has changed than to tell what has stayed the same. The people we have around us every day change as quickly or slowly as everyone else, but thanks to our daily contacts with them their changes are played out on a scale that makes them seem to stand still. It is unfair to blame our memory for throwing away editions when, on the face of it, the latest imprint differs in no way from the preceding one.

Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older - Draaisma (Page 131)

In some sense, we are wired to ignore the slow passage of time. In fact, this tendency gets worse as our brain ages and accumulates more patterns against which new norms can be defined, explaining why time seems to flow faster as we grow older.

evolution as a physical theory

Evolution has two ingredients, constant variation and constant selection.

Two important observations:

  1. Variation in biology exhibits itself in myriad forms, but they all can be traced back to the second law of thermodynamics, which says that entropy (on average) always increases over time. (It is not a coincidence that Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection in 1850s, around the same time Clausius formulated the second law.)

  2. If you decrease selection pressures, the fitness landscape expands. You see less people dying around you, but you also see more variety at any given time. As we learn to cure and cope with (physical and mental) disorders using advances in (hard and soft) sciences / extend our societal safety nets further / improve our parenting and teaching techniques, more and more people stay alive and functional to go on to mate and reproduce. Progress creates more elbow room for evolution so that it can try out even wilder combinations than before.

    Conversely, if you increase selection pressures, the fitness landscape contracts, but in return the shortened life cycles enable evolution to shuffle through the contracted landscape of possibilities at a higher speed.

    Hence, selection pressure acts like a lever between spatial variation and temporal variation. Decreasing it increases spatial variation and decreases temporal variation, increasing it decreases spatial variation and increases temporal variation.

These observations imply respectively the following:

  1. Evolution never stops since the second law of thermodynamics is always valid.

  2. Remember, Einstein discovered that space and time by themselves are not invariant, only spacetime as a whole is. Similarly, evolution may slow down or speed up in space or time dimensions, but is always a constant at spacetime level. In other words, the natural setting for evolution is spacetime.

It is not surprising that thermodynamics has so far stood out as the odd ball that can not be unified with the rest of physics. Principle of entropy seems to be only half the picture. It needs to be combined with the principle of selection to give rise to a spacetime invariant theory at the level of biological variations. In other words, evolution (i.e. principles of entropy and selection combined together) is more fundamental than thermodynamics from the point of view of physics.

Side Note: The trouble is that the principle of selection is a generative, computational notion and does not lend itself to a structural, mathematical definition. However the same can also be said for the principle of entropy, which looks quite awkward in its current mathematical forms. (Recall from the older post Biology as Computation that biology is primarily driven by computational notions.)

All of our theories in physics, except for thermodynamics, are time symmetric. (i.e. They can not distinguish the past from the future.) Second law of thermodynamics, on the other hand, states that entropy (on average) always increases over time and therefore can (obviously) detect the direction of time. This strange asymmetry actually disappears in the theory of evolution, where something emerges to counterbalance the increasing entropy, namely increasing control.

Side Note: Entropy is said to increase globally but control can only be exercised locally. In other words, control decreases entropy locally by dumping it elsewhere, just like a leaf blower. Of course, you may be wondering how, as finite localized beings, we can formulate any global laws at all. I share the same sentiment because, empirically speaking, we can not distinguish a sufficiently large local counterbalance from a global one. Whenever I talk about the entropy of the whole universe, please take it with a grain of salt. (Formally speaking, thermodynamics is not even defined for open systems. In other words, it can not be globally applied to universes with no peripheries.) We will dig deeper into the global vs local dichotomy in Section 3. (Strictly speaking, thermodynamics can not be applied locally neither since every system is bound to be somewhat open due to our inability to completely control its environment.)

1. Increasing Control

All living beings exploit untapped energy sources to exhibit control and influence the future course of their own evolution.

Any state that is not lowest-energy can be considered semi-stable at best. Eventually, by the second law of thermodynamics, every such state evolves towards the lowest-energy configuration and emits energy as a by-product. By “untapped energy sources” I mean such extractable pockets of energy.

So, put more succinctly, all living beings harness entropy to reduce entropy.

The accumulative effect of their efforts over long periods of time has so far been quite dramatic indeed: What basically started out as simple RNA-based structures floating uncontrollably in oceans eventually turned into human beings proposing geo-engineering solutions to the global climate problems they themselves have created.

Let us now look at two interesting internal examples.

1.1. Cognitive Example

Our brains continuously make predictions and proactively interpolate from sensory data flow. In fact, when the higher (more abstract) layers of our neural networks lose the ability to project information downwards and become solely information-receivers, we slip into a comatose state.

Our predictive mental models slowly decay due to entropy (That is why blind people gradually lose their abilities to dream.) and are also at constant risk of becoming irrelevant. To address these problems, our brains continuously reconstruct the models in the light of new triggers and revise them in the light of new evidence. If they did not exercise such self-control, we would be stuck in an echo chamber of slowly decaying mental creations of our own. (That is why schizophrenic people gradually lose touch with reality.)

Autism and schizophrenia can be interpreted as imbalances in this controlled hallucination mechanism and be thought of as inverses of each other, causing respectively too much control and too much hallucination:

Aspects of autism, for instance, might be characterized by an inability to ignore prediction errors relating to sensory signals at the lowest levels of the brain’s processing hierarchy. That could lead to a preoccupation with sensations, a need for repetition and predictability, sensitivity to certain illusions, and other effects. The reverse might be true in conditions that are associated with hallucinations, like schizophrenia: The brain may pay too much attention to its own predictions about what is going on and not enough to sensory information that contradicts those predictions.

Jordana Cepelewicz - To Make Sense of the Present, Brains May Predict the Future

1.2. Genomic Example

Since only 2 percent of our DNA actually codes for proteins, the remaining 98 percent was initially called “junk DNA” which later proved to be a wild misnomer. Today we know that this junk part performs myriad of interesting functions.

For instance, one thing it does for sure is to insulate the precious 2 percent from genetic drift by decreasing the probability of a mutation event to cause critical damage.

Side Note: It is amazing how evolution has managed to diminish the coding region down to 2 percent (without sacrificing any functionality) by getting more and more dexterous at exposing the right coding regions (for gene expression) at the right time. This has resulted in greater variability of gene expression rates across different cellular contexts.

Remember (from our previous remarks) that if you decrease selection pressure, spatial variation increases and temporal variation decreases. Nature achieves this feat via an important intermediary mechanism. To understand this mechanism, first observe the following:

  1. Ability to decrease selection pressure requires greater control over the environment and decreased selection pressure entails longer life span.

  2. Exerting greater control over the environment requires more complex beings.

  3. More complexity and longer life span entail respectively greater fragility towards and longer exposure-time to random mutation events.

  4. This increased susceptibility to randomness in turn necessitates more protective control over genomes.

Since an expansion in the fitness landscape is worthless unless you can roam around on it, greater control exerted at phenotypical level is useless without greater control exerted at genotypical level. In other words, as we channel the speed of evolution from the temporal to the spatial dimension, we need to drive more carefully to make it safely home. From this point of view, it is not surprising at all that the percentage of non-coding DNA of a species is generally correlated with its “complexity”.

I used quotation marks here since there is no generally-agreed-upon, well-defined notion of complexity in biology. But one thing we know for sure is that evolution generates more and more of it over time.

2. Increasing Complexity

Evolution is good at finding out efficient solutions but bad at simplification. As time passes by, both ecosystems and their participants become more complex.

Currently we (as human beings) are by far the greatest complexity generators in the universe. This sounds wildly anthropocentric of course, but when it comes to complexity, we are really the king of the universe.

2.1 Positive Feedback between Control and Complexity

Control and complexity are more or less two sides of the same coin. They always coexist because of the following strong positive feedback mechanism between them:

  • Greater control for you implies more selection pressure for everyone else. In other words, at the aggregate level, greater control increases selection pressure and thereby generates more complexity. (This observation is similar to saying that greater competition makes everyone stronger.)

  • How can you assert more control in an environment that has just become more complex? You need to increase your own complexity so that you can get a handle on things again. (This observation is similar to saying that human brain will never be intelligent enough to understand itself.)

2.2. Positive Feedback between Higher and Lower Complexity Levels

All ecological networks are stratified into several levels:

  • Internally speaking, each human being is an ecology onto himself, consisting of ten of trillions of cells, coexisting with equally many cells in human bacterial flora. This internal ecology is stratified into levels like tissues, organs and organ systems.

  • Externally speaking, each human being is part of a complex ecology that is stratified into many layers that cut across our relationships to each other and to the rest of the biosphere.

Greater complexity generated at higher levels like economics, sociology and psychology propagates all the way down to the cellular level. Conversely, greater complexity generated at a very low level affects all the levels sitting above it. This positive feedback loop accelerates total complexity generation.

Two concrete examples:

  • The notion of an ideal marriage has evolved drastically over time, along with the increasing complexity of our lives. Family as a unit is evolving for survival.

  • Successful people at the frontiers of science, technology, business and art all tend to be quirky and abnormal. (Read the older blog post Success as Abnormality for more details.) Through such people, an expansion of the fitness landscape at the cognitive level propagates up to an expansion at the societal level.

2.3. Positive Correlation between Fragility and Complexity Level

Overall fragility increases as complexity levels are piled up on top of each other. In order to ensure stability, it is necessary for each level to be more robust than the level above it. (Think of the stability of pyramid structures.)

Invention of nucleus by biological evolution is an illustrating example. Prokaryotes (cells without nucleus) are much more open to information (DNA) sharing than the eukaryotes (cells with nucleus) which depend on them. This makes them simpler but also more robust.

It could take eukaryotic organisms a million years to adjust to a change on a worldwide scale that bacteria [prokaryotes] can accommodate in a few years. By constantly and rapidly adapting to environmental conditions, the organisms of the microcosm support the entire biota, their global exchange network ultimately affecting every living plant and animal.

Microcosmos - Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan (Page 30)

Whenever you see a long-lasting fragility, look for a source of robustness level below. Just as our mechanical machines and factories are maintained by us, we ourselves are maintained by even more robust networks. Each level should be grateful to the level below. 

Side Note: AI singularity people are funny. They seem to be completely ignorant about the basics of ecology. Supreme AI will be the single most fragile form of life. It can not take over the world. It can merely suffer from an illusion of control, just like we do. You can not destroy or control what is below you in the ecosystem. Survival of each level depends on the freedom of the level below. Just like we depend on the stability provided by freely evolving and information exchanging prokaryotes, supreme AI will depend on the stability provided by us.

2.4. Positive Correlation between Fragility and Firmness of Identity

How limited and rigid life becomes, in a fundamental sense, as it extends down the eukaryotic path. For the macrocosmic size, energy, and complex bodies we enjoy, we trade genetic flexibility. With genetic exchange possible only during reproduction, we are locked into our species, our bodies, and our generation. As it is sometimes expressed in technical terms, we trade genes "vertically" - through the generations - whereas prokaryotes trade them "horizontally" - directly to their neighbors in the same generation. The result is that while genetically fluid bacteria are functionally immortal, in eukaryotes sex becomes linked with death.

Microcosmos - Lynn Margulis & Dorion Sagan (Page 93)

Biological entities that are more protective of their DNA (e.g. eukaryotes whose genes are packed into chromosomes residing inside nuclei) exhibit greater structural permanence. (We had reached a similar conclusion while discussing the junk DNA example in Section 1.2.) Eukaryotes are more precisely defined than prokaryotes, so to speak. Degree of flexibility correlates inversely with firmness of identity.

Firmer the identity gets, the more necessary death becomes. In other words, death is not a destroyer of identity, it is the reason why we can have identity in the first place. I suggest you to meditate on this fact for a while. (It literally changed my view on life.)

  • The reason why we are not at peace with the notion of death is that we are still not aware of how challenging it was for nature to invent the technologies necessary for maintaining identity through time.

  • Fear of death is based on the ego illusion, which Buddha rightly framed as the mother of all misrepresentations about nature. This is the story of a war between life and non-life, between biology and physics, not you against the rest of the universe or your genes against other genes.

3. Physics vs Biology

Physics vs Biology.png

Physics and biology (with chemistry as the degenerate middle ground) can be thought of as duals of each other, as forces pulling the universe in two opposite directions.

Side Note: Simple design is best done over a short period of time, in a single stroke, with the spirit of a master. Complex design is best done over a long period of time, in small steps, with the spirit of an amateur. That is essentially why physics progresses in a discontinuous manner via single-author papers by non-cooperative genius minds, while biology progresses in a continuous manner via many-author papers by cooperative social minds.

3.1. Entropy, Time and Scale

Note that entropy and time are two sides of the same coin:

  • Time is nothing but motion. Time without any motion is not something that mortals like us can fathom.

  • All motion happens basically due to the initial low-entropy state of the universe and the statistical thermodynamic evolution towards higher entropy states. (Universe somehow began in a very improbable state and now we are paying the “price” for it.) In other words, entropy is the force behind all motion. It is what makes time flow. The rest of physics just defines the degrees of freedom inside which entropy can work its magic (i.e. increase the disorder of the configuration space defined by the degrees of freedom), and specifies how time flow takes place via least action principles which allows one to infer the unique time evolution of a particle or a field from the knowledge of its beginning and ending states.

Side Note: It is not a coincidence that among all physics theories only thermodynamics could not be formulated in terms of a least action principle. Least action principles give you one dimensional (path) information that is inaccessible by experimentation. Basically, each experiment we do allows us to peak at the different time slices of the universe, and each least action principle we have allows us to view each pair of time slices as the beginning and ending states of a unique wholesome causal story. (We can not probe nature continuously.) Entropy on the other hand does not work on a causal basis. (If it did, then it could not be responsible for time flow.) It operates in a primordially acausal fashion.

When we flip the direction of time, thermodynamics starts working backwards and the energy landscape turns upside down. Time-flipped biological entities start harnessing order to create disorder, which is exactly what physics does.

The difference between physics and time-flipped biology is that former operates globally and harnesses the background order that originates from the initial low-entropy state of the universe and latter harnesses local patches of order created by itself. (This is why watching time-flipped physics videos is a lot more fun than watching time-flipped biology videos.)

Side Note: There are nano scale examples of biology harnessing order to create disorder. This is allowed by the statistical nature of the second law of thermodynamics which says that entropy increases only on average. Small divergences may occur over short intervals of time. Large divergences too may occur but they require much longer intervals of time.

The heart of the duality between physics and biology lies in this “global vs local” dichotomy which we will dig deeper in the next section.

It is worth reiterating here the fact that entropy breaks symmetries in the configuration space, not in geometric one. (It may even increase local order in geometric space by creating symmetric arrangements, as in spontaneous crystallisation, which disorders the momentum component of the configuration space via energy release.) Hence, strictly speaking, the “global vs local” dichotomy should not be interpreted purely in spatial terms. What time-flipped biology does is to harness local patches of configurational order (i.e. degrees of freedom associated with those locations), not spatial order.

Side Note: Entropy also triggers the breaking of some structural symmetries along the way. According to inflation theory, as the universe cooled and expanded from its initial hot and dense state, the primordial force split into the four forces (Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Weak Nuclear and Strong Nuclear) that we have today. (Again, as mentioned before, entropy is an odd ball among all physics theories and is not regarded as a force since it does not have an associated field etc.) This de-unification happened through a series of three spontaneous symmetry breakings, each of which took place at a different temperature threshold.

3.2. Entropy and Dynamical Scale Invariance

Imagine a very low-entropy universe that consists of an equal number of zeros and ones which are neatly separated into two groups. (This is a fantasy world with no forces. In other words, the only thing you can randomize is position. So the configuration space just consists of the real space since there are no other degrees of freedom.) Global uniformity of such a universe would be low, since there will be only fifty percent probability that any two randomly chosen local patches will look like each other. Local uniformity on the other hand would be high, since all local patches (except for those centered at the borderline separating the two groups) will either have a homogenous set of zeros or a homogenous set of ones.

Entropy can be seen as a local operator breaking local uniformities in the configuration space. Over time, the total configuration space starts to look the same no matter how much you zoom in or out. In other words, the universe becomes more and more dynamically scale invariant.

Note that entropy does not increase uniformity. It actually does the opposite and decreases uniformity across the board so that the discrepancy between local and global uniformity disappears. Close to heat death (maximum theoretical entropy), no two local patches in the configuration space will look like each other. (They will be random in different ways.)

Side Note: Due to the statistical nature of the second law of thermodynamics, universe will keep experiencing fluctuations to the very end. It can get arbitrarily close to heat death but will never actually reach it. Complete heat death means end of physics altogether.

Now a natural question to ask is whether there could have been other ways of achieving scale invariance? The answer is no and the blocker is an information problem. You can not have complete knowledge about the global picture without infinite energy at your disposal and without this knowledge you can not define a local operator that can achieve scale invariance. For instance, going back to our initial example, if your region of the universe happens to have no zeros, you would not even be able to define an operator that takes zeros into consideration. All you can really do is to just ask every local patch to scatter everything so that (hopefully) whatever is out there will end up proportionally in every single patch. Of course, this is exactly what entropy itself does. (It is this random, zero knowledge mechanism which gives thermodynamics its acausal nature.)

Biology on the other hand creates low entropy islands by dumping entropy elsewhere and thereby works against the trend towards dynamical scale invariance. It is exactly in this sense that biology is anti-entropic. Entropy is not neutralized or cancelled, instead it is deflected through a series of brilliant jiu jitsu strokes so that it defeats its own goal.

Physics fights for dynamical scale invariance by breaking local uniformities in the configuration space and biology fights against dynamical scale invariance by creating local uniformities in the configuration space. This is the essence of the duality between physics and biology, but there is a slight caveat: Physics works on a global scale and hails down on all local uniformities in an indiscriminate manner, while biology begins in some local patches in a discriminate manner and slowly makes its way up to global scale, conquering physics from inside out, pushing entropy to the peripheries. (Biology needs to be discriminative since only certain locations are convenient to jumpstart life, and it needs to learn since - unlike physics - it does not have the privilege of starting global.)

Let us now scroll all the way to the end of time to see what this duality means for the fate of our universe.

3.3. Ultimate Fate of the Universe

There is no current scientific consensus about the ultimate fate of the universe. Some cosmologists believe in the inexhaustible expansion and the eventual heat death, some others believe in the unavoidable collapse and the subsequent bounce. Since nobody has any idea about how dark energy, dark matter and quantum gravity actually work, everything is basically up grabs.

Side Note: Dark energy is uniformly-distributed and non-interacting. It is posited to be the driving factor behind the acceleration of the uniform expansion of space. Dark matter on the other hand is non-uniformly-distributed and gravitationally-attractive. Together dark energy and dark matter make up around 95 percent of the total energy content of the universe. Hence the reason why some people call junk DNA, which make up 98 percent of human genome, as the dark sector of DNA. Funnily enough, in a similar fashion, more than 90 percent of the more evolved (white matter) part of the human brain is composed of non-neuron (glial) cells . (Neurons in the white matter, as opposed to those in the gray matter, are myelinated and therefore conduct electricity at a much higher speed.) It seems like the degree of complexity of an evolving system is directly correlated with the degree of dominance of the modulator (e.g. non-neuron cells, non-coding DNA) against the modulated (e.g. neurons cells, coding DNA). Could the prevalence of the dark sector be interpreted as an evidence that physics itself is undergoing evolution? (Note that, in all cases, the scientific discovery of the modulator occurred quite late and with a great deal of astonishment. Whenever we see a variation exhibiting substructure, we should immediately suspect that it is modulated by its complement.)

One thing that is conspicuously left out of these discussions is life itself. Everyone basically assumes that entropy will eventually win. After all even supermassive black holes will inevitably evaporate due to Hawking radiation. Who would give a chance to a phenomenon (like life) that is close to non-existent at the grand cosmological scales?

Well, I am actually super optimistic about the future of life. It is hard not to be so after one studies (in complete awe) how far evolution has progressed in just a few billion years. Life is learning at a phenomenal speed and will figure out (before it gets too late) how to do cosmic-scale engineering.

Since no one really knows anything about the dynamics of a cosmic bounce (and how it interacts with thermodynamics), let us finish this long blog post with some fun speculations:

  • The never ending war between physics and biology may be the reason why time still exists and the universe still keeps on managing to collapse on itself while also averting a heat death. Life could have learned how to engineer an early collapse before a heat death or how to prevent a heat death long enough for a collapse. Life could have even learned how to leave a local fine-tuned low-entropy quantum imprint so that it is guaranteed to reemerge after the big bounce.

  • What if life always reaches total control in the sense of Section 1 in each one of the cosmic cycles and becomes indistinguishable from its environment? Could the beginning state of this universe’s physics be the ending state of the previous universe’s biology? In other words, could our entire universe be an extremely advanced life form? Could this be the god described by Pantheists? Was Schopenhauer right in the sense that the most fundamental aspect of reality is its primordial will to live? Is the acausal nature of thermodynamics a form of pure volition?