two opposite lives

My wife and I used to live in an exceptionally beautiful and calm place, but overtime we got completely used to it. Even the kaleidoscopic sunsets stopped getting our attention. Then we went back to the inner city chaos. The transition was complete hell, but we eventually got used to the dirt, noise and traffic. Only when we alternate between these two worlds, do we realise the advantages of both.


  • I alternate between mathematics and business. They have absolutely nothing to do with each other, but each nourishes me in a different way. Math keeps me sharp and gives me meaning, while business keeps me energised and gives me financial freedom. Moreover, the transition periods themselves are also beneficial in the sense that they induce sudden synaptic pruning and help me reset my mind. (This reset is harder than the type you get from going on a holiday.)

  • I enjoy pessimistic existentialist artists, but optimistic progressive philosophers. I guess I get energized from one to another.

Whatever you do, find something "opposite" to do as well. Going in between the two will increase both your satisfaction and stamina.