work as meaning

All meaning is derived from uniquenesses or extreme low frequencies.

Working towards a goal creates meaning by artificially decreasing the number of times one can reach that goal in a single lifespan. Taking shortcuts on the other hand diminishes meaning by vastly increasing the frequency of gratification events.

In the short run, technology decreases the frequency-based meaning-effect of work by increasing both productivity and lifespan. In the long run, it renders all work obsolete.

One can switch from a goal-oriented framework to a process-oriented one and drop the frequentist approach to meaning-generation altogether. But this switch is quiet unnatural and requires a heavy retraining of the mind.

An easier alternative is to drop work as a source of meaning altogether and focus on relationships with friends and family which will retain their uniqueness forever.

Technological progress takes place at a much faster pace than biological evolution does. As a rule of thumb, one should always ride the slower waves whenever the primary concern is meaningfulness.