rastlantisal cozumler

Ayvalik'ta tatildeyken yasadigim ilginc bir hadiseyi size madde madde aktariyorum:

1) Vucut isi dengemi koruyan mekanizmalar altust oldu.

2) Arabadayken sicak havadan bunaldigim zamanlar klimayi dibine kadar actim. (Vucudum terleyemedigi icin baska turlu kendimi sogutamiyordum. Bu yuzden klimayi actigimi ancak 7. asamada farkedebildim.)

3) Hapsirip tiksirmaya basladim. Sinuslerim azdi ve grip oldum.

4) Burnum tikandi. Geceleri uyurken agzim acik uyumaya basladim.

5) Bogazim sisti. Agzimin surekli acik olmasini firsat bilen havadaki bakteri sucladim. Kendi kendime koydugum, buyuk ihtimalle yanlis olan bu teshisten yola cikarak bogazimi iyilestirmek icin ilk yapmam gerekenin burnumu acmak oldugu sonucuna vardim.

6) Burnumu acmak icin tum gun boyunca tuzlu su spreyi kullanmaya basladim.

7) Kiz arkadasimin tavsiyesiyle bir eczaneye gittik. Eczanede ogrendik ki vucut isi dengemin bozulmasinin sebebi gunes carpmasiymis. (Boylece terleyemememin sebebi de acikliga kavusmus oldu.) Bu durumda yapilmasi gereken en onemli seylerden biri etkilenen kisinin vucuduna tuzlu su takviye etmekmis. Yani kendi kendimi tamamen aptal ve rastlantisal sebeplerden dolayi iyilestirmeye baslamisim bile!

Kim bilir bu tur hadiseler gunluk hayatimizda kac kere basimiza geliyordur da biz farketmiyoruz. Sirf cahilliklerinden oturu olumden donenler de vardir herhalde!

Update (July 2011): On a similar note, consider the following parable Old Man at the Fort by the Taoist philosopher Liehtse.

An Old Man was living with his Son at an abandoned fort on the top of a hill, and one day he lost a horse. The neighbors came to express their sympathy for this misfortune, and the Old Man asked: "How do you know this is bad luck?" A few days afterwards, his horse returned with a number of wild horses, and his neighbors came again to congratulate him on this stroke of fortune, and the Old Man replied, "How do you know this is good luck?" With so many horses around, his son began to take to riding, and one day he broke his leg. Again the neighbors came around to express their sympathy, and the Old Man replied, "How do you know this is bad luck?" The next year, there was a war, and because the Old Man's son was crippled, he did not have to go to the front.

As quoted on p.159 of The Importance of Living by Yutang