
Radio: "Every season has an end..."

A Mathematician: What a deep insight, isn't it? Of course not! What the hell was I expecting from a piece of pop lyrics anyway... How come a song with such silly lyrics be considered beautiful?

Another Mathematician: You seem to forget that all of mathematics is a large body of tautologies. Proofs may be long, convoluted, tricky or hard. But at the end of the day they are nothing but demonstrations of the fact that some statements are tautologies.

So why be surprised when common people celebrate life's trivialities? We mathematicians too celebrate trivialities!

For some reason tautologies are beautiful. For some reason they have the power to unify people and resonate across barriers.

In some sense, trivialities are the only thing we can hold onto. All of our beliefs will sooner or later be challenged, improved upon or even discarded. But trivialities will stay... They will perpetuate because they simply "are".

There in lies a profound, bottomless source of religious fervour and aesthetic appreciation.