let the words be alone

Words are abstractions and the cost of abstraction is loss of information. Adding graphics to text may partly compensate for this loss of information, but to say that it is better is misleading. The loss of information may be intended.

In literature, deliberate vagueness enriches the product by giving it a greater number of interpretations. More people end up "seeing" things that they can relate to. In science, deliberate vagueness lies at the very foundations. A certain degree of abstraction is necessary to see the underlying structure, and measurement involves the act of assigning abstract symbols to various phenomena.

Math Example: You can illustrate the notion of a function by drawing a polynomial on the board. But the notion of a function can only be defined abstractly in mathematical symbols. No matter how many examples you give, you can never pin down the concept in images. In fact, students are often misled by the images.

Physics Example: Often low dimensional dynamics can be explained with graphics, but they are only "understood" when the formulation is made in higher dimensions. (Of course, in higher dimensions there can be no graphical illustrations of mathematical arguments.) Proofs often become shorter and more natural at higher levels of generality.

politics of social entrepreneurship

A real social entrepreneur should not fly his teams thousands of kilometers to donate a library to poor middle school children who can not even understand the watered down textbooks handed down by the government.

Throwing money, tablets or books at children does not make them more educated. This is obvious to the children but somehow incomprehensible to the very important people making very big decisions.

A piece of advice: Start by admitting that the problem at hand is a difficult one, then take a long term view and stop behaving like a politician. As a social entrepreneur you should be even more careful in your analyses. Due to the absence of market feedback mechanisms, you need to be absolutely objective with yourself.